Kentaro Ono
MD Japan
Eku Energy

Kentaro Ono is Managing Director Japan at Eku Energy, with the responsibility for the whole battery energy storage business management in Japan including project sourcing, development, investment, revenue contracting, procurement, construction, operation and achieved the signing Japan first offtake project with Tokyo Gas (30MW-120MWh) in Hirohara, Miyazaki Pref.
Prior to joining Eku Energy, Kentaro worked for NTT FACILITIES and NTT Anode Energy for 28 years and led a variety of energy transition projects including the distributed energy storage resources, VPP management system, local community decarbonization, energy optimization for C&I customers. In addition, he served for Ennet, one of the leading electricity retailers in Japan, and led the strategy management and demand response service development.
Kentaro holds Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Doshisha University, Master of Business Administration from the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University.